15 dezembro, 2006

Hva sjera baggera! Christmas time and winter: JuleBor, Snow, Skiing and Sandana

Those weeks have been hard time to a brazilian guy living in Norway. It was almos 2 months nos-stop rain! Well, it is very, very boring, but as a norwegian popular saying: there is no bad weather, but bad clother!

The good think about it is that a lot of thinks are happening on this time of the year.
I ve been to two "juleborer", the norwegian christmas fellowship partie, and I have to confess that those parties are quite fun: good food, nice dressing ( see pictures), dancing polinesa ( or bolognesa), that, explaining to the brazilian reader, it is like to dance " quadrilha" but with classical music..hehehe, and so one.. In one of those me and Marit, i friend that had been to Brasil trough Hald 2 years ogo, have been playing some brazilian songs to her choir ( ..very very fun, but scary to play to choir music interessed people) .. one more crazy experience in my life

And i was traveling to the North countie! Fun: No , just fantastik! It was very very good

On those experiences you can recognize that God is amazing

We , me and Tor Harald, a vey good norwegian student of mathematic and missionary kid in Japan friend, went to this place, called Sandane , on the Wednesday morning.
The purpose of the tripe was to visit two skolelaget, or "ABU" schools groups

The weather was not very good, with rain and widy,but i convinced him to take the skiis!

My boss had made same contacts and got a place for us to stat. When we got there, it was a very confortable church residence, with all confort

we had a meeting with two guys, leders for the group, in a kafe! it was very nice and we talked about the wrk and made some plans for the next day

We slept there and in the other day,Thursday ,the mountains around were with snow, very nice

in the morning we had a meeting with the other group in the school!
The principal was very nice with us, and he arranged a room, and liberated the leder of group from a test, to participate on the meeting!

After the meeting we went shopping, and went to the church, where we would meet the other group. We meet then to a administrative meeting, and later we had a Lagsmøte, with me and Tor Harald doing the talk! It went very nice , and after that we got the oportunity to get to know the guys better, playing fantasi!

Unfortunately we had to leave the place on Friday, but we left very early and went skiing in the mountains for some hours. The weather as not the best in the world ( a lot of wind), but we had much fun!

04 dezembro, 2006

Luz,Fest,Grøt e tudo mais

Attending requests, This one will be half Portuguese and Half Norwegian!

O Natal esta chegando, e já dá pra perceber que o inverno chegou mesmo! mas pra quem pensa que ta nevando, tudo branco , se enganou por que o clima esta terrivel! faz umas duas semanas que não vejo o sol!

Mas pra compensar este mal tempo, o Natal está chegando: presentes, festas ( como esta da foto, com queima de fogos e tudo) e eu andando de terno ( em breve fotos , hehe) ....vou viajar bastante e espero que tudo de certo nas minhas programacoes.. saio de Bergen dia 21 de Dezembro e so volto dia 19 de Janeiro! Uma jornada que vai durar quase um mes, viajando na Noruega, e mundo afora! aguarde mais info no futuro!!
Eg er litt lei av været her i Bergen! Men det går greit,det kan ikkje bli verst! (positive tenket)hehe! Faktisk, mine siste veke var en veldig travelt én. Det er veldig viktig med sånn vær:

På torsdag, middag hos Hald i år utenlandsk studenter, plus to staff lærer ( Siri og Monika) ..koselig !
På fredag, Jullegrøt hos Hald norsk studenter frå i fjor!Spilt fantasi og snakket om i fjor! veldig koselig.og Bursdag til Tor Stein Tingnes, min høygest venner! Vi såg filmen til kl seint i Natta: Borat, frå kazakistan..hehe-kjekt
På Lørdag : Eli kommet på Middag hos meg (Pizza er ikkje den best middagen. men koselig allikavel), og Julebor til Crux ( kor) det var supert! eg spilt mange sanger, danse på slutt, og det var knal bra!!
På Sondag: krybb vandring: våt og kaldt, men bra! Best med glogg etterpå

eg gleder meg til å snart stå på ski, og at sola kommer til o bli sterkere og sterkere!!!

Eg håper at dokke fostår ..hehe..norsk er vanskelig vet du!!
