30 agosto, 2007

Here we go!

I feel brazilian..
a little bit ..
it is better then before, but not good iet.
-thanks God for all your help in this painfull process.-
after 24 days here, i feel brazilian. not just a brazilian, something strange, but at least i feel something:
after 3 weeks of lack of feelings, lack of motiviation.
i am not saying: i am fine in Brazil:I am just going... i will be fine in heaven, togueter with Jesus, but that will have to wait!i think
somedays it is hard to sleep. some days I just wanna sleep: you see , I am getting brazilian...

thats life

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

oi to to bem ?

så flink du er som husker thai enda ; )nå er det bare en natt så drar jeg....rart....forstår det ikke...håper du vil være med å be for meg ?takk...
må fikse litt ting nå.
glad i deg amigo!!
stor siste norske klem fra anne ))